
Ständigt i framkant

IMG är nya generationen av formsprutningsmaskiner till gummi och silikon, kompressionspressar och injektionspressar för både horisontellt och vertikalt bruk. 

Deras maskiner är effektiva, energisnåla och håller alltid hög standard. IMG Prime-teknologin gör det möjligt att göra produktivitetsanalyser, hantera flaskhalsar i produktionen och analysera energikonsumtionen. 

Horizontal gum series

Horizontal injection moulding machine for rubber

Vertical Gum VCV

Vertical injection moulding machine

for rubber and silicone with “upside-

down” piston clamping unit and Li-Fo

injection unit

Gum BMC Series

Horizontal injection moulding machine for BMC thermosets

with Hydroblock clamping unit and reciprocating screw

Special Series

Injection moulding machine for rubber model

IHGS600 with piston vertical clamping unit.

Horizontal plasticizing unit with dosing crew + injection piston with a capacity of 5500cm3

Vertical gum series

Vertical injection moulding machine for rubber with

Hydroblock clamping unit and injection unit with screw +

piston or with Fi-Fo system

Gum MCV Series

Vertical compression moulding

machine with top-bottom

piston clamping unit, for

thermosets and rubber

Special Series

Vertical injection moulding machine with 4

pistons, top-bottom movements and vertical

injection unit equipped with a lower rotating table where two half-stamps are located

Full-electric Rem Series

Full-electric horizontal injection moulding machine for rubber
